Day 22: 22 September 2015
Louie spent an hour hovered over the sand trying to catch a wee fish in a plastic cup. Only if just to admire and possess it for a moment. He strategized, tried various approaches, angles, lures and finally caught one for a split second only for it to return to the ocean. The beauty in his concentration; ambition on vacation.
Beach time, a dolphin siting and lunch with a manatee (look closely above). In fact, we've lunched at the same spot everyday. I asked Louie today, on our last day if he wanted the same place and he said "up to you" and I said "up to you" and he said "okay the same". I now notice these glimpses of altruism in something as small as a lunch compromise, particularly given last year when our entire worlds revolved around him (more than usual of course). I think about his future and how he may emerge, as a child and an adult (selfless? will this fuel him? ambitious? empathetic? compassionate? or the opposite of those traits?). A future I never imaged would be debatable, but we are determined to try every angle until we catch our fish, and hold on as long as possible.