Day 14: 14 September 2015
Two old guys walk into a Temple (not a joke). One says to the other "How ya doing Lou?" (really). And the other says "Every day is a gift".
Louie wanted to go to school so my husband and I went to Rosh Hashanah services. I always find this time of year the most invigorating and as the rabbi said today, it's the "chance of chances to begin again". And about the human need to be needed and all of this social media, emailing, texting mishegoss, etc.. is simply to remind us that we exist in the world. Louie and I walked to the pond across the street this afternoon laden with goldfish crackers (our challah is too precious to toss) and shared ways we want to improve. (Well I did. Louie must have confused this with wishes and didn't share for fear they wouldn't come true.) Patience, empathy, impact, strength. The usual suspects. I'd love to know what was on Louie's mind. The adage and intention of this holiday is to be inscribed in the Book of Life for the subsequent year. When we picked Louie up we said we made sure to get his name in that book for next year. And he said "How exactly does that work?". I wish we knew exactly.